Implementing social change in the aftermath of hurricane recovery...

An accomplished architect and entrepreneur, Stacy Bourne leans into decades of experience to speak first hand on successful practices of HURRICANE RESILIENT ARCHITECTURE:

• 12 hurricanes fortified Stacy’s design strategies for wind,

 rain and flooding over the decades.

• Stacy’s unique strategy of COMMUNITY ENGAGED DESIGN

 invites residents to become stakeholders in the renewal process,

 fulfilling a vital role for any neighborhood to thrive. 

Eliminating the gender gap in architecture...

Stacy knows what it’s like to lose everything and rebuild from scratch. Inspiring others with her story, she uses her curated experience to help women overcome obstacles in completing their architectural education, becoming a licensed architect, owning their own firm, or becoming an academic professional.

Audiences walk away with...

• A deeper understanding of what it really takes to build or rebuild communities 

• Architectural case studies, resources and greater access to creativity 

• A heightened awareness around leadership and the value of feminine energy 

• Cultural interactions and implications at the university, firm, and organization levels.

Accomplishments include:

• Holding numerous leadership positions with the American Institute of Architects, non profit organizations, licensure boards, and community initiatives 

• Becoming the first black woman to serve on the AIA National Board 

• Designated Fellow AIA, one of the highest levels of achievements 

• Facilitating community design charrettes for economic development 

• Composing AIA strategy for Haiti during the 2010 earthquake 

• Presenting as keynote speaker at local, regional, and national events for architecture